obama is a good speaker and he seems to be able to motivate people to think different. now he needs to back up his words and show people he can deliver what him promise. yes everyone have to help, cuz he cant do it alone but still....action speak louder than words. the way things are being betrayed in the media and the tough times ahead for america and the rest of the world its not gonna be easy. all I do know is that america is better off with obama in these times and the times to come.
obama has 0 experience.....within his first year he'' do worst than bush
you got to be realistic, he doesnt have supreme power and ever thing he trys to do the congress and senate blocks him or stop him because they dont want him to succeed. also it took bush 8 years to distroy the economy what miracle do you expect him to work when all the jobs been outsourced to other country with no new emerging industry in america to give and sustain new jobs