Trinidad - No help to anyone without benefits to Trinidad and Tobago

Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar made it clear on Monday "No help to anyone without benefits to Trinidad and Tobago".

She said Trinidad and Tobago stands ready to assist its Caricom neighbours but she stipulated that any aid would only come after discussions with her Cabinet colleagues as well as the Opposition Leader, and must in some measure benefit the country.

The Manning government had been severely criticised by Trinidad and Tobago nationals for giving assistance to Caribbean countries especially in non-emergency situations.

Cuz My Country always quick 2 give out money when tings happen 2 other countries ,,,but not interested in helpin dem own
Little people know... Trinidad & Tobago being one of the richest in the region has an history of assisting their neighbors in and out times of troubles. It's only fair we get something in return... and we doh wha no dutty rice or ole lumber.