The Killing Of A Culture Part One...


New Member
Jan 7, 2009
Jamaica's influence on the world is disproportionate with its size whether that be popular culture or sport, that influence unregulated and uncontrolled is dangerous its dangerous to them an those and thats why over the years it has been subdued.

Before the internet without record company distribution deals or mass marketing without Bob Marley the cassette tape of sound systems in Jamaica would circulate the globe and influence the world, to this day there is people from all races and walks of life who have never been to Ja who can tell you the history of Jamaica, not just sound system history, off of what they heard on cassette tape. The sound system cassette tape was our newspaper our radio station our blog our voice ours as black people as x slaves as freedom fighters as music lovers as revolutionaries but thats too much power in the hands of black people with no regulation, powerful authoritative black men with microphones making speeches alongside the worlds most beautiful music with the same message, that has to be controlled we seen what they did to hip hop we will never see another believable KRS1 or Public Enemy knowing what we know now and I am sure there is plenty of rap artist who aint been tainted but because of how it set they will never reach to the masses like them an those affiliated.

I aint studied this and I do'nt have to, I see it with my eyes I feel it in my blood just like sound system is in my blood I never had to study to know about real music selection or how to string up a sound I am it that shit runs thru my blood real sound system man will relate.
Sound system was our last free independent voice I say sound system but I say from the perspective of a man born in the early 70s I mean real sound not these guys who have never lifted a speaker box who have never dropped a speaker box (kmt) who never had a spontaneous thought that manifested itself in spoken words that entertain for generations.

The beginning of the end of the death of sound system starts where sound system started in Jamaica with the introduction of foreign noise abatement laws e.g. dances closing down at 2am also stricter permit stipulations relating to factors not directly connected to the dance .i.e. area violence because the sweetest dances are kept in communities known as "volatile" the police in Jamaica use that non connected violence as a legitmate reason not to issue a permit for a dance, but Jamaica dont run like anywhere else like "foreign" UK and USA who Jamaica is trying to emulate look at "Passa Passa" as a shining example to how Jamaica really runs also.

To Be continued.....