Daggering Shocks Mutabaruka..

Daggering Shocks Mutabaruka..

Talk show host Mutabaruka was bamboozled, shocked and was in a state dismay recently when he discovered the now-a-days dancing/daggering in the dancehall. Muta was most shocked about the recent incident where a young lady was knocked out cold in a Daggering incident.
Another incident where one young lady used a stone as her "pleasuring tool" ..aka cakkie have the well known Dub poet and Rastafarian flabbergasted.
According to Mutabaruka the dancehall is currently making carnival look like church and that this is pure animalistic bahaviour.
Well all good things must come to an end.. and so will the bad and the indifferent... but for now we can definitely say were in the era of not only Obama but also Daggering the crazy animalistic behaviour in the dancehall...
I dont know bout you ..but im