Ah Teen Send Out 14,528 Txt's


New Member
Oct 17, 2008
Silverado (CA) - Greg Hardesty's teenage daughter managed to send 14,528 text messages last month. When he received his 440 page AT&T wireless phone bill, he thought it was a mistake. The dad, age 45, said "First I laughed. I thought 'That's insane. That's impossible.' And I immediate whipped out the calculator to see if it was humanly possible." He found out that it was, but just barely.

Reina, his 13-yr old daughter, would've had to send text message at the rate of 484 per day, or one every two minutes of every waking hour. When the father asked "Who are you texting anyway? Your entire school?" She replied, "A lot of my friends have unlimited texting. I just text them pretty much all the time."

According to the report, she routinely messages a core group of "four obsessive texters," all girls between 12 and 13 years old on her LG phone. Reina managed to text one of her friends who was sitting right next to her at a karaoke party.

Hardesty's AT&T phone plan included unlimited texting for $30/month. If he would've had to pay standard AT&T rates the bill would've been a whopping $2,905.60 (at $0.20 per message).

According to Nielson studies, the average 13- to 17-yr old teen texts 1,742 messages per month. Hardesty admits that he texts around 900 messages per month (30 per day), which is about 700 more than his age group.

As a result of this last month's activity, and in an attempt to curtail her texting activity, Hardesty and his ex-wife have now told Reina she can no longer send text messages after dinner.

now if da was meh aughter, hmmmm she wuda neva see ah nex fone in she life again , Clearly... and d fadda rong all heah was to do was tek out ah txting plan is wah do he, now he ha cough up ah hole year's bill and ah month, dah likkle child didnt even gettin to watch tv any more lol

Mii bumbooo mi remember running up my very first cell phone bill too 3000 cause my parents told me I have free long distance calling....dem never explain and she after 9 nor did they say it was only us..loloolol. mi calll everybody on my msn and yahoo list cause I was just like 13...lmfaaaooooooo....but in a day like today them should had unlimited texting plan that is what most average teenagers to text all dam,n day das y dem invent sidekick.......well as for me..mi never see outside di entire summmer and I never had a phone again...lmfaoo..mi she mi never kno who made da calls my mom calll every nummmmm and ask dem if dem kno me and sure enough dem she yea man..lmfaooo..
but di fadda jus as bad....anyways better she be wid di phone dan pan sum man cocky...mek di fadda pay di bill and shet him mouth:D