A Jealous Husband


Staff member
Oct 15, 2008
A jealous husband hires a private detective to follow his wife and check on her movements.

The husband explains to the P.I., that he wanted more than just a written report, he wanted a video of his wife's activities.

A week later, the detective returns with the evidence.

They sit down together, and begin to watch the action. Although the quality has much to be desired, the husband sees his wife meeting another man!

He watches as they frolic and laugh at the park. He's mesmerized as they enjoy themselves at an outdoor cafe and then dancing in a dimly lit nightclub.

By the end of the video, he witnesses this stranger and his wife participating in over a dozen different activities, and all with utter glee.

"I just can't believe this," the distraught husband says.

"What's not to believe" says the P.I.. It's all right here on the video!"

The husband replies, "I never knew that my wife could be so much fun!"