SF Gays Meet With Buju Banton

  • Sorry but DHRWorld.com site is down. I am working on it I will be using the backup site Jatune.com in the mean time

Four members of San Francisco's gay community met this afternoon for 40-minutes with Jamaican singer Buju Banton in Larkspur, up in Marin County, to discuss his troubling history with gay people.

According to Buju and his advisers, this was his first meeting ever with gay advocates, and they really want to put an end to the controversy that continues to dog him over violent homo-hating song he sang in his late teens, "Boom Bye Bye."

At the meeting were gay leaders Supervisor Bevan Dufty, who arranged the meeting, Rebecca Rolfe, executive director of the SF gay community center, Andrea Shorter of Equality California and myself. Also present was Supervisor Eric Mar, a progressive straight leader in the Asian community, and, of course, Buju and Tracii McGregor, president of his music company. About ten minutes into the meeting in the hotel lobby of where the singer is staying, some of his p.r. people joined the conversation.

It was explained by us that American gays are not singling him out, as we advocate for gay tolerance in Jamaica, but that we have also applied pressure on the government and business leaders to affect change that benefits gays across the island nation.

While there certainly was little movement on his part, and we didn't agree to tell any other gays to stop protesting his concert tour or suggesting he do more to confront the terrible, and sometimes deadly, anti-gay violence in Jamaica, we felt it was a very positive step forward that the meeting took place.

Source: http://mpetrelis.blogspot.com

Buju a meet with da bat-o-crats. No Buju!! Say it ain't so!!! Nuh compromise or give in fi get dem approval. Stand up fi weh yuh believe.... (if dat's what yuh believe).
booooooom bye bye inna batty bwoy head

Vagina was made for the penis
Not penis for penis
Not penis for anus

Adam was made for Eve
He was not made for Steve bulllllllllllllllit

Rastaman don't apologize to no batty-boy
If yuh dis' King Selassie I,mih gunshot yuh boy

I was at the concert in Berkeley. It was cancelled twice before they finally was able to hold it in Berkeley. Believe me, he is not giving in at all! It was just good press for him. Buju is still Buju and he kicked ASS!!!!!!!!