International Reggae Day

  • Sorry but site is down. I am working on it I will be using the backup site in the mean time


Today is being celebrated as International Reggae Day, the day on which the world is invited to celebrate the best of Jamaica's music and creativity. With the goal of uniting people through music, IRD integrates media and technology each year as it highlights the power and impact of Jamaican music and reggae culture globally and honours important contributors to the growth and development of Jamaica's most invaluable export - its music.

July 1 also marks the 10th anniversary of the passing of the Crown Prince of Reggae Dennis Emmanuel Brown and disc jocks are being requested to include significant mention of this artiste during IRD celebrations.

All are encouraged to wear their Reggae "colour"- red, green and gold - on July 1, show their love for Jamaican culture and register their participation to ensure their country is represented in this global media festival.