Asylum closes After 12 years

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The doors to what was once New Kingston's 'maddest' night spot, Asylum, have been slammed shut. Nite Time Promotions, owners and operators of the club, say the popular venue officially closed its doors on Tuesday.

Chung, a pioneer in night time entertainment, successfully ran the Cactus night club in Portmore for what was considered eight glorious years, before opening Asylum, which many felt led to the ultimate demise of Cactus.

But for Chung, the story didn't read quite like that. "All great night clubs have a life cycle. Cactus did eight exciting years after which it was time to close. Its successor, Asylum surpassed, that. This closing makes way for the management of the club to take advantage of new and exciting opportunities based on the very dynamic entertainment industry presently in Jamaica," he said, sounding very upbeat.

When asked if patronage and clientele had fallen off, Chung explained that despite a recession Asylum still maintained three solid nights each week. Of his other club Quad, he hastily pointed out, "Quad is still there. Quad will always be the king of clubs."
