Jamaica, Dudus and the Extradition Saga


New Member
Feb 16, 2010
On the East Coast
How do you all feel about this situation that is taking place?

I'm pretty angry :mad: about all the innocent people that are being killed just for one person. But I also think there is more to story then what we are led to believe. Anytime the us get's involved. I have to wonder what is the real motive behind it all.

but bad man cant hold jamaica hostage

how when the police tell the residents to leave and them say them willing to die for dudus

True Rexxxy, There is a lot of BS going on with this whole extradition situation. I just don't understand how they are looking for one person, in the meantime taking lives along the way. Doesn't matter if the police told them to leave or not. Police don't really care about peoples lives anyways. They are just as corrupt as the rest of the officials in office.
@ d nice the u.s. been involved long time

here are my thoughts on the matter:

well the police dont care for people life, especially ghetto people, and the people know that, but they choose to stay n die for this guy

to show u how ignorant they are, they say this guy is their jesus, then shouldnt jesus sacrifice his life for his beloved people? what sense does it make for the masses to sacrifice their life for one man? what is the reward? eternal life? uh

there is so much to this story, and i m not gonna pretend like i know the full hundred, but i do know a little and i m not partial to any side, the media isnt highlightin the fact that the jlp party gave rise to the showa posse back when edward seaga was in power, they not tellin the world about the guns that the u.s. sent down to ja for the showa posse thru the jlp party, in an attempt to severe ties between the jam n cuba [seaga is a born american, manley (pnp) was close frens wit castro] go figure. information is out there for people to enlighten demself, u not gonna get all the facts from either side, but its up to people to gather info from all angles, put them togedda n then pick sense outta nonsense

cant say i m sorry for the ppl who standin behind a known criminal, i m only sorry bcaz they are ignorant and seem they dont know any other life, a lot of them were born into this, even dudus himself, wasnt he born into this life? didnt he inherit this from his father? thats the only reason i m sorry for them, caz they are blind, ignorant, slaves to the system they were born into

but these people glorify dis man bcaz dem basically live free, dem say "dudus feed we, govament no do nutten fi we" mi born n grow a jam n i neva see govament do ntn fi me or my fam, everybody around me work fi put food pon table, and we learn from a young age, if u dont have, u do widout, dem ghetto ppl look like dem still a suffa, so tell me what exactly has dudus done for dem?

bruce alone shouldnt be blamed, he did afterall inherit a mess in politics, like how obama inherited a mess from bush, but bruce not completely innocent eeda, it took him 9 months to sign the papers, and dont forget he paid washington how much millions to do away with the extradition, but that failed, hmmm

dudus alone shouldnt be blamed, he livin the life that he inherited, but every man gotta pay for his sins. the people didnt ask for this life, but they accepted it, so hey i jus gotta thank God i am on the outside lookn in, caz dis is a really really big mess to say the least
Samantha-sweet.. Yes ignoronce (unfortunately) breeds more ingnorance. But True there is more to the situation that the media isn't telling the people and that makes me wonder all the more. To blame one person or even one party would be ignorant on our part as well. None of us know the full story but like you mentioned. There are several ways to obtain information. The internet happens to be full of everything you need but again as you said. Pick the sense out of the nonsense. I know some of what you mentioned. What I didn't know that Manley was close friends with Castrol. I'm gonna have to look that up. but it makes sense as to how the weapons arrived in Ja in the 1st place. Isn't there almost always an alterior motive to what the american government does?

I would rather people stand up for something, then to fall for anything. That doesn't mean I think they are right for standing along side Dudus. I am hoping that this is a wake up call for Jamaica.
read this. read the whole of it! very fascinating take on the story that might seem far fetched at first but contains so much truth if not all. babylon at work again and were all falling for it.


I read this article and you have to wonder how far the rabbit hole goes. If indeed this is the situation. People reallly need to get together and stand together. Out of Many, One People needs to ring true now more then ever.
Don't have to look deep into the rabbit's hole to put 2 & 2 together. Dudus saga is another manipulation to justify American invasion. Just like Irak. Weapons of massdestruction? Nice one! Now drug dealer number one... hmmm... not even close. Dudus has been a problem for years. Why now the fuss? Because the US is energy hungry and they've taken wind of the deep deep oil beneath the Carribean. Dudus is the perfect excuse. They knew the extradition would cause a lot of ruckus and bring JA on the verge of civil war. Just perfect. Russians and Argentina got Cuba on lock already. US is moving in for the rest. First Haiti and now JA. Too far fetched? Past shows otherwise. Future will tell. But then it's too late. Hope i'm following the wrong theory though - really am.

Jerry Harris - Spreading Allover
It's far from far fetched. This isn't just the 1st few times that power countries. More so the us government then any other country has started a situation (without the people really knowing what is going on) only to reap the benefits of that countries resources. This is a viscious cycle and will continue unless the people stop it. There is great power in numbers.

You can google John Perkins - The secret history of the american empire. There you will find more then enough evidence of the crimes they (american government) have commited but they are quick to extradite Dudus for what?